
Friday 30 April 2021


cubital fossa is a triangular hollow situated on the front of the elbow. (it is homologous with the popliteal fossa of the lower limb situated of the back of the knee) 
Boundaries of the right cubital fossa. 

LATERALLY:Medial border of brachioradialis
MEDIALLY  :Lateral border of pronator teres
BASE            :It is directed upwards and is represented by an imaginary line joining the front of two epicondyles of the humurus. 
APEX           : It is directed downwards and is formed by the area where brachioradialis crosses the pronator teres muscle. 
Structures in the roof of the right cubital fossa
The roof of the cubital fossa is formed by
a. Skin
b. Superficial fascia containing the median            cubital vein joining the cephalic and basalic      vein. 
c. Deep fascia
d. Bicipital aponeurosis
The Floor of the cubital fossa is formed by the brachialis and supinator muscle
(A) surface veiw
(B) cross sectional veiw

It is formed by
a. Brachialis
b. Supinator surrounding the upper part of            radius
Contents of the right cubital fossa 
    The fossa is actually very narrow. 
The contents are as follows . 
(1) The median nerve
       It gives branches to flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis and leaves the fossa by passing between the two  heads of pronator teres. 
(2) The termination of the brachial artery and the beginning of the radial and ulnar arteries lie in the fossa. 
(3) The tendon of biceps brachii. 
(4) The radial nerve
        It descends medial to lateral epicondyles to enter cubital fossa. In the fossa it gives off the posterior interosseous nerve or deep branch of the radial nerve which gives branches to extensor carpi radialis brevis and supinator. Then it leaves the fossa by piercing the supinator muscle. 
Content of right cubital fossa (schematic) 

The cubital region is important for the following reasona. 
a. The median cubital vein is often the vein of          choice for intravenous injection. It is used         for introducing cardiac catheters to get               sample of blood from various chambers of         heart. 
b. The blood pressure is universally recorded         by ausculating the brachial artery in front         of the elbow. 
 The anatomy of the cubital fossa is useful while dealing with fracture around the elbow, like the supracondylar fracture of the humurus. 



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